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We’re very excited to begin welcoming dancers back into our studio!  Please see our updated policies and procedures below.  These are in line with Erie County and NYS regulations to keep our students, staff, and families safe during this time. 


Students 7yrs old and younger may be walked to their classroom by 1 Parent. Both the Parent and student will enter through the glass door at street level and will need to wear a mask into the building and have their temperature taken. Anyone with a temperature over 100.4 will not be admitted inside. Please respect social distancing guidelines while inside and outside the studio.  


If your dancer or anyone who comes in contact with them has experienced the following symptoms in the past 24 hours please do not send them to the studio, but instead, please contact your doctor:​

  • Fever

  • New or worsening cough

  • Shortness of breath or trouble breathing

  • Sore throat, different than your seasonal allergies

  • New loss of smell and/or taste

  • Diarrhea or vomiting

Has anyone in your household or a close contact been diagnosed with COVID-19 in the past 2 weeks? If so, please do not come to the studio. Your dancer can take advantage of the Zoom option until they have been cleared by a doctor to return. We will need a copy of that clearance.


The Lobby and Front Desk will not be open at this time, and parents must wait in their cars or return at pickup time. All dancers need to be picked up ontime.

Please make sure all dance wear is clean and has not been worn anywhere since it has last been washed.  All dancers should arrive in their dance attire ready to dance.  Only water bottles will be allowed in the room. Leave your Dance bags at home, they will not be allowed in the studio at this time. Shoes can be brought in ziploc bags with their name on it. Dancers will NOT be allowed to leave the studio and go for food or drinks. Days and schedules were adjusted to alleviate the need for meals in between. They may bring a snack (protein bar or something similar) if needed. Students taking the Camps will remain in their room for the breaks. There will be no sharing of food. 

We will be mindful of the level of activity during class and will be focused on a technique based cirriculum.

All dancers will be required to sanitize their hands when they enter the building, leave the classroom and anytime they touch their face. We will have the floor marked and each dancer will receive their own individual spot.  Dancers will remain 6 feet apart at all times. 


All high touch surfaces will be wiped down during and in between classes.  


We will keep our normal attendance records to be able to provide contact tracing information if needed.  If you cannot attend class, please let us know along with the reason so we can keep accurate records.  We will continue to provide Zoom feeds of our in studio classes for students who cannot or do not feel safe attending in person. 


Hands will again be sanitized at the end of class, and we will dismiss the dancers from the Elite Dance Company Studio door.  Please be prompt picking up your dancer, so we may complete our cleaning procedures and welcome our next group of dancers into the studio on time.


Please make sure you take everything with you from the studio when you leave.  We will not be keeping a lost and found during this time.  No personal items will be allowed to be left behind at the end of the day, even for dancers who are returning the next day.


Camps are capped at 9-10 dancers and 1-2 staff members.


Guidelines may be updated at any time with new information from the County, State, or Federal Government.  We reserve the right to offer additional safety precautions outside of government guidelines to best protect our students, staff, and families.


While we will do our best to provide the safest environment possible and minimize risks, there is an inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 in any public place where people are present.  By attending classes or camps, you voluntarily assume all risks related to exposure to COVID-19.


Thank you for doing your part to keep our studio community healthy and we look forward to seeing you in class soon!


Our Operational Plan for the 2020-2021 Dance Season at EDC


Our season is scheduled to start September 19th. 


However, in case there are any interruptions that we may experience, we are going to be proactive and hold 3 weeks of make up classes BEFORE the season even starts. These 3 weeks will begin on Monday Aug 31st.  This way we can get a jump on technique and possibly even choreography.  If adjustments in occupancy are mandated during the year, then we will split the classes in half and have 1/2 take the class in the studio one week while the other 1/2 takes the class on Zoom.  The following week they would reverse so that every dancer gets the opportunity to be in the studio. 


Understand that even though Zoom may not be the most ideal, it is the best way to keep a sense of continuity and connection between the teacher and the dancers.  Zoom may not be everyone's desirable form of instruction, however, we at Elite Dance Company are invested professionally and emotionally in offering the best possible instruction with the means available to us. Our entire staff is emotionally invested in your dancer and works tirelessly to offer the best instruction. 


If the year goes as planned and we don't need to make adjustments to our schedule, then we will use those 3 initial weeks to extend our breaks.


Below are the credits we have been working on applying to everyone's account if they met the requirements:

1...We are crediting everyone's account this year for the Recital Fee they paid last season.  

2...If you paid the full year last year, we waived the Registration Fee for this year. 

3...We gave every Team member a $100 credit towards their Team Fee for this year. And Company received a credit of $150.

4...And lastly, we are working with the competitions on credits and/or refunds for this past year. However, some competitions are still scheduled for August so nothing is settled yet until we know if they go forward.


Thank you again for your patience, we are trying to recoup as much as we can for our dancers. 



Miss Sue & Miss Stacey 

© 2024-25 Elite Dance Company | 5360 Genesee Street, Bowmansville NY 14026 | Phone: [716] 288-7868

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